Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Next performance

"Paganini" will be part of 25th edition of the Winter-Circus-Varieté "Cascade". Performances will take place in Stadsschouwburg Utrecht (NL) from 20th to 30th December 2013.

Stadsschouwburg Utrecht

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"La Máquina" on the WA!-Festival

c: frederick guerri /wa!
c: Olivier Wicquart
c: Olivier Wicquart
Last weekend the Wa! Festival took place in the Centre Regional des Arts du Cirque in Lille (FR). "La Máquina" was very well received and rewarded with compliments after the show. Thanks a lot to Frederick Guerri - the organiser of the Wa! - for letting me be part of it! ...and for being an awesome circus photographer...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

WA! Festival

On 22. september I will perform "La Máquina" on the WA! Festival in Lille (FR).

Once a year the WA! Festival gathers many awesome young circus professionals to perform their acts.
Check out the programm! -->

For News you can also check out the WA!-facebookpage.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Next project: International Ibsen Circus Laboratory

"From 9th to 27th of July, Ruth Biller, Anni Küpper, Roxana Küwen, Carolina Braus and Marianna De Sanctis will live and work together at aspern Die Seestadt Wiens. Devised by Norwegian dramaturgue Kirsti Ulvestad and accompanied by producer Elena Kreusch they will research the feminist potential of Henrik Ibsens female characters. Check out the blog: http://kreativkultur.org/AIR/?cat=3 and come to the public showing on 26th and 27th of July!!"

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Anni on facebook!

You can now also follow me on facebook.
Like my new facebook page to get more frequent updates on my work!

Monday, April 15, 2013

20th Israeli Juggling Convention!

If I had one word to describe the Israeli Juggling Convention, it was "hospitality". 

Today, two weeks after the Convention, I have a hard time believing that all this really happened. Apart from the fact that I could enjoy Israels palm trees, sun shine and real good food, I did also have some awesome and inspiring encounters. 

All this and a grateful audience for my performance on the last night made this convention a special experience to me.

Performing on the International Gala....

and participating in the "Juggling Olympics"....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

NEW DATES: Israel and France!

Two more weeks until I will board the plane to Tel Aviv. The Israelian Juggling Convention invited me to perform "Paganini" on their Gala-Show. And so I will have the chance to visit this extraordinary event and perform together with some awesome jugglers.

Israelian Juggling Convention

After this the Collectif 100% Plastik will be performing at the Festival Rencontre des Jonglages in Paris. We will organise a 100% feminine Cabaret, in which we will show extracts from our work in the Collectif and our Solos.

Festival Rencontre des Jonglages

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Trailer for "La Máquina"

Extracts from my juggling Solo "La Máquina" as performed in november '12.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Paganini" on tour

I've been improving my Solo act and had the chance to perform it a few more times since its success on the EJC 2012. These pictures were taken by William van der Voort, when I peformed in the Theater De NWE Vorst in Tilburg last friday. 
A few more performances during the next month are already in negociation. One of them outside of Europe. I am looking forward to that! Stay tuned.

La Collection: a juggling collective

Since summer 2012 I am a member of the girls juggling collective "La Collection". The project was iniciated by the two exceptional jugglers Audrey Decaillon and Isabelle du Bois in october 2011 with the aim to gather a group of high-skilled, female club jugglers to create a show. 
The collective consists now of a core group of five fixed members. Together we are working on a show that will have it's Premiere prospectively in autumn 2013.

In december 2012 La Collection flew to Africa for a few days to perform in the presidential palace of Gabun. The event was held for around 400 handicapped kids and their supervisors. The photos were taken right after the performance: La Collection under the presidential christmas tree and a few kids who came to say hello.