For the International Juggler's Association Greg Owsley wrote in his official review of the EJC 2012:
"For example, I had the privilege to do some one club manipulation
jamming with Anni Küpper. I first heard about her from Kyle Johnson last
year at the incredible Arkansas juggling convention. Kyle credited her
for the inspiration of his amazing three club rolling over the stomach
trick (I don’t know the official name of the trick). She is an awesome
human being. Moreover, she competed at the first special show at the
EJC. This show compiled a half dozen circus school jugglers to compete
for an opportunity to open the EJC Gala show. Anni performed with only
one club with her hands tied around her back. She did several cool
versions of body rolls and even balanced the club on the back of her
heel at one point. Her act raised the roof; it was great to see her
experience success."
Thanks a lot Greg. Our one club jam was fun! Hope to meet you back next summer.
(Read the full article